These patchwork cushions are part of an exploration into a variety of issues. The pattern on the english pure cotton reminds me of an immitation woodgrain finish. It was too large for an upholstery project, so I have broken it down, just like a sheet of veneer. I have collected scraps to assemble together, while foregoing the grain matching that could form an interesting pattern.
The idea of recycling is more prevalent in my design projects now, as I can include many pre-manufactured elements in one form, and not make more items that can be unnecessary. This can also save on costs and time, and it makes me feel better that I am not adding more items to the growing mountain of waste that is growing in New Zealand.
The strong lines that usually appear in my personal designs are represented in these cushions as segmented elements of a series of lines. They could imply the dynamic speed lines that are not visually present in other similar designs, such as the lightweight tables of last year. What I am more concerned with recently is finding a series of connecting elements and ideas, so I can produce a defined aesthetic that forms my signature style.
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