Tuesday, 25 November 2008


This is a photo of the Ottoman that I completed. The drawing of the object in a CAD programme helped visualise the end result. The joints are mortise and tennon, and I thought that they would be easier to create than the reality of the situation. However I am happy with the level of effort that I put into it, and it is a good quality ottoman that will last a long time.

Sunday, 23 November 2008


In the past few days I have been learning to use a new computer aided design program that I down loaded from the internet. It is Google Sketchup, and it is a simple, and easy to use tool that can allow me to visually create a design before it becomes 3D.

This is a picture of what I am currently creating, an ottoman made from pine wood, with an orange upholstered top and chrome metal castors. It is a basic design, but it allows me to work on developing my skills with tools. I have utilised mortise and tennon joints for the construction of the base, hopefully making it strong enough for the weight of two people. It is a good project to fill in time now before the end of the year, when I can think about new projects for 2009.

Thursday, 13 November 2008


This month I have continued renovating the house, with the photo showing the latest area to be completed. The walls have been painted to a high standard, and the windows have been restored to their original condition. The table is the work of another person, but I restored it and repainted it in a white wash finish.

The two chairs are part of a continued restoration of over 30 chairs. These two have rimu seat bases as opposed to the upholstered seats of another 24 chairs. They are not yet finished. The small table is comprised of two chair bases and a recycled rimu top. The rimu came from a dismantled storage unit. The terracotta planters are the result of a minimal effort in reconstructing the broken pieces with masonary silicon, while the abandoned plants have grown substantially since I replanted them. More soon.